ERSA HOTFLOW 4/20 Reflow Soldering Machine
Reflow soldering system with outstanding thermal performance and an excellent power balance
Individually controllable process zones via energy-optimized motors
Multi-level controlled cooling
Multi-level process gas cleaning with pyrolysis
Rest-oxygen monitoring and control, low N2 consumption
Ersa Process Control software (EPC)
Software to generate temperature profiles
Multi-track conveyor systems (1-4), 1x fixed, 3x variable
Thermally invisible center supports
Low energy consumption in continuous operation
Patented grip conveyor system for flex boards
Auto Profiler to off-line and quickly generate temperature profiles
Ersa HOTFLOW 4/20 Reflow Oven
The Ersa HOTFLOW 4/20 Reflow Soldering System is of robust design and manufactured entirely from steel, welded air-tight, powder coated and with interior electric cabinet and a PC operating terminal. Features include the motorized hood opening, quick-change convection heater cassettes, multi-level process gas cleaning and a powerful and a high-performance cooling zone.
Length: 6,600 mm
Width: 1,410 mm
Height: 1,350 mm
Weight appr. 2,600 kg
Conveyor system
Working width: 45-560 mm automatically infinitely adjustable
Clear passing height: +32/-40 mm
Center support, automatically infinitely adjustable
Conveyor speed: 20-200 cm/min
Pin-and-chain conveyor with 3 / 4 / 5 mm pin length
Process zone
Process length: 5,920 mm
Heated length: 3,805 mm
Cooling length: 2,115 mm
Heating system
Up to 20 convection heating cassettes
(Preheat zone up to 14, reflow zone 6)
Volumetric flow rate each module adjustable up to 500 m3/h
Rated power each module: 3.3 kW
Up to 4 levels cooling zone with water back-cooling
Electrical data
400 V, 3 Phase, N, Ground, 50/60 Hz
Continuous output during operation: appr. 10-15 kW
Extraction capacity 2x 300-600 m3/h with monitoring feature
Pin-and-chain conveyor with either 3 / 4 / 5 mm pin length
Pin-and-chain conveyor with low-mass center support
Motorized adjustment of conveyor width and center support
Up to 4 tracks with center support in the system (1x fixed, 3x variable)
Patented grip conveyor system for flex boards
With single track systems, the use of low mass tubular supports is possible
Operation with either ambient air or nitrogen
The cooling zone of the system can be equipped with an integrated cooling system and an external cooling aggregate
Cooling can be either with cooling aggregate or with local water connection
Multi-level condensation management system available with pyrolysis
Heating and cooling cassettes removable without tools
Energy-consumption management